Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter, Peeps!

Yay! I have yet again devised a way to avoid the dreaded Easter family reunion this year. Not that I really have to anymore as they have basically given up on me. But if I can force myself up at 4 am, and I am not daunted by the threat of rain, I will go for a sunrise group hike along an oceanside mountain which will culminate by an open air Easter service complete with bagpipe player. Then I will volunteer at Karma Kitchen, my way of making up for my rather self involved profession...

Happy Peep Day, everyone!

(Images from St. Louis Today, the Wash. Post, Domestic Goddess, Crafters.Org, etc.)


  1. All those delightful peeps! Thank you for my Easter morning smile. :)

    Hope you made it to the hike & Karma Kitchen – such lovely things to do today.

    Happy Easter!

  2. thanks C for ur fab insight on my BS boy issue. it really helped. happy easter babe!

  3. Hope you had a great Easter!

  4. I hope you got up on time, Cheryl... :) XXX

  5. What cute peeps cartoons! Hope you had a lovely time.

  6. Magical springtime greetings, dear Cheryl. Hope you're having fun. xx

  7. 4 am???? I hope you had a blast and a lovely Easter.

  8. well i hope you had a fabulous day! this post is so cute!

    and i managed to get out of going to church. WHEW!

  9. Did you get up? Sounded like a beautiful adventure to me!

    We drank margs to Jesus Sat night since our fave marg place was closed for Easter.

    Blasphemous bar hags that we are.

    LOVED your peep diorama post. My fave was the UP one at the end... so fun!

  10. Has Munch's Cry anything to do with the feelings for your dear family? :-)

  11. Hi everyone, I did have a very nice Easter. Feeding other people is very rewarding. But, alas, I did not make it to the hike, 4 am is just way too early for me. I like sleeping in too much. Especially on cold and drizzly Sunday mornings. I probably saved myself from a really bad cold by not going.

    ...At least I hope so.

    Peter, you can refer to - - for explanation of my family and why I would rather avoid them on the holy day of Easter. And, yes, that painting is very fitting come to think of it...


  12. These Peep dioramas get better and funnier every year!


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