Monday, April 18, 2011

More travel sketches

Cafe Tortoni

El Federal

Clasica Y Moderna

Catedral Metropolitana

Cafe de Las Violetas

Bar Seddon


  1. "Mon enfant, ma soeur,
    Songe à la douceur .... "

    One dreams of being there ....

  2. i like your blog its very informative the painting are wonderful Hey Check out this new blog They Got the New BlackBerry Pc, and the I phone5
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  3. Merisi -One does indeed dream of being there. And of returning...

  4. I think that the way you somehow now let some of your painitings "half-finished" is really nice!

  5. Hi Peter, thanks! It started out as a way to complete a sketch more quickly, while planning to finish later, but then I decided I liked the way the people/bar/cafe contrasted and decided to leave it as it is.

  6. Lovely - thank-you so much for sharing the adventure through your eyes!

  7. I luv'em sketches!!! I so want to go to BsAs now!! *sigh*

  8. Bring me with you!! Girl trip!!!


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